We will check your website for B2B customers. You will learn what to do to increase your sales
Why choose our UX audit service?
- a structured base of best UX practices in designing websites for B2B customers
- 760+ hours of UX research
- 400+ recommendations, the number of which is constantly growing
- 50+ audited websites for B2B clients
- 30+ B2B websites designed and developed
What results will you get?
- description of a B2B customer's decision-making process
- a description of the company image features which the website template should contain in order to meet the B2B customer's requirements
- report with a list of errors
- recommendations what should be improved in a particular template to attract more customers
Methods and data sources of our R&D UX Audit
- NN Group report for B2B, 188 guidelines and 419 pages
- 50+ benchmarks and 400+ guidelines
- survey method: Nielsen Heuristics
- Survey method: Cognitive Walkthrough for Web
Together, these provide powerful insights into what a website should contain to convince a B2B customer.