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Backend and frontend layers are crucial elements in web development. They allow you to ensure that your websites and applications work properly and are intuitive and easy to use.

The frontend layer contains all the elements users can see and interact with. For example, one of the tasks of a frontend developer is creating graphical user interfaces.

In turn, the backend layer is invisible to users and is responsible for processes occurring in the background. Among other things, backend developers have to know how to handle, for example, a database query.

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What is backend development?

Backend development (back-end development) focuses on working on the server side of an application or website. This side is invisible to users, and they can't interact with it directly.

The backend of an app or website consists of elements such as backend logic, databases, application programming interfaces (APIs), architecture, and servers. Its primary task is to ensure that the front-end side of software works as intended.

Differences between frontend and backend development

Frontend development and backend development are two sides of the same coin. Backend and frontend developers need to work together to create functional, user-friendly applications.

Frontend developers are responsible for creating a graphical user interface, app and website design, navigation, text, images, and videos. In short, their primary goal is to ensure that the elements users interact with work properly.

Frontend developers usually work with such technologies as HTML, CSS, a Document Object Model, JavaScript, and frontend frameworks.

The backend allows developers to ensure that the frontend of an app or website functions correctly. When users interact with graphical interfaces, the backend receives information from the frontend side and issues a response.

Backend developers' main goal is to create a working architecture that allows the system to execute functions efficiently.

A backend developer uses such programming languages as Python, Java, or Ruby.

Responsibilities and skills of a backend developer

What tasks do backend developers need to perform? What skills do you need to possess if you want to become one?

Skills of a backend developer:

  • Backend programming languages
  • Knowledge of frontend
  • Backend frameworks
  • Version control system
  • Understanding of databases
  • Creating libraries
  • Knowledge of APIs
  • Server handling
  • Knowledge of DSA (data structures and algorithms)
  • Working with system components

Responsibilities of a backend developer:

  • Writing code: A backend developer must write clean, easy-to-maintain code to create dynamic and sustainable websites and applications.
  • Creating and maintaining websites: A backend developer's main task is to create functional, user-friendly, and intuitive websites and applications. To achieve this, they use frameworks, tools, and programming languages.
  • Performing QA testing: Another task of a backend developer is performing QA testing, which allows them to optimize the user experience and software performance. Additionally, it helps them design apps that can be displayed on different browsers and devices.
  • Evaluating speed and efficiency: Backend developers make sure that the websites and applications they create are working efficiently and effectively.
  • Debugging and troubleshooting: Backend developers should be able to solve issues and fix bugs.

Backend development: Technologies

Backend developers have a wide range of tools and technologies at their disposal. Some of them aren't exclusively used to develop the server-side of applications but also offer full-stack capabilities. The choice of a suitable framework or language depends on your abilities and project type.

Backend programming languages

PHP is a scripting programming language commonly used for server-side development. It's a great choice for web development. PHP facilitates tasks such as handling data, interacting with databases, implementing business logic, and processing requests.

C++ is another general-purpose programming language. It provides developers with templates, multiple inheritance, preprocessor commands, and operator overloading. It's not the easiest language to learn, but it allows programmers to build fast-performing applications.

Java is an object-oriented programming language designed for developing mobile and web applications. It can handle huge amounts of data, and its automatic memory management makes it highly scalable. Java is relatively easy to learn and maintain and provides decent security.

Python is a popular programming language. It can be used to create backend solutions and integrate systems more efficiently. Python is very universal and can be used to develop websites, mobile apps, software, and machine learning algorithms.

Node.js is used for developing server-side applications (but not exclusively) with open-source code and a runtime environment for executing code outside of a browser. Node.js offers developers high performance, scalability, and fast development.

Backend frameworks

Express is a Node.js web application framework for creating single-page, multi-page, and hybrid web applications. Furthermore, developers can create flexible and easy APIs, handle errors, and manage different HTTP requests.

Django is a robust, easy-to-use, and scalable Python framework for developing complex web applications. It offers a templating system, URL routing, object-relation mapper, and automatic admin interface.

Ruby on Rails follows the model-view-controller architectural pattern. Its open-source code makes it cost-effective. Its notable features include ease of learning, high security, testing support, high performance, fast project execution, and more.

Laravel is a robust PHP framework that is also based on a model-view-controller pattern. Laravel provides developers with functions such as a templating system, URL routing, libraries, maintenance mode, unit testing, etc.

Spring is a Java framework for building web and complex enterprise applications. Its features include aspect-oriented programming, modularity, dependency injection, flexibility, and improved testability.

Backend development in The Story

Our team of backend developers consists of specialists with many years of experience and a wide variety of experience. We're a team and ready to take on any task.

We have been creating, developing, and integrating:

  • Simple systems (CMS)
  • More complex systems (e-commerce platforms)
  • Very demanding dedicated systems.

In projects, we often use the following technologies:

  • Python (Django)
  • PHP (Zend Framework, Symfony, WordPress)
  • PostgreSQL, GraphQL, DynamoDB
  • AWS
  • Google Cloud

Of all the backend technologies, the ones listed above are particularly dear to us because of their:

  • Speed (short product delivery time)
  • Efficiency (attractive product cost)
  • Availability (huge amount of free, open-source libraries and frameworks)
  • Constant updates (they're continuously developed and adapted).

Learn more about our tech stack.


Since we specialize in backend solutions, we can guarantee the following:

  • Attractive delivery time
  • High quality.

In all three areas:

  • Websites
  • Web applications
  • Mobile apps


DevOps is another area of our specialization. We provide our customers with a complete sense of security. We're responsible for an application's configuration, stability, security, and scalability.

The growth of users and data won't surprise or trouble us. We'll be ready for it. We have many years of experience creating, developing, and supervising systems infrastructure.

Method of work

We develop most of our projects using agile project management methodologies (e.g., Scrum).

Did You Know...

We pay special attention to good, customer-sensitive communication. In particular, we provide regular, frequent updates on work progress and critical project changes.

Our standard is to allow you to test a product and get acquainted with a demo version :)

Software development

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