Our Process


Proto persona

Proto-persona is an important stage in creating a business application in the UX design process. It is made for every project.

It helps to clarify the target audience of our product or service and how it differs in terms of behaviors, needs, habits, and views.

Each representative of the customer segment is given a set of characteristics that allows us to talk about them as if they were a particular person: name, age (rather than age range), interest, need, behavior, etc.

Such a process usually results in several proto-persons representing a different customer segment.

Proto-persona vs. Persona

What is the difference between Proto-persona and Persona? Proto-persona is short for "prototype persona."

Did You Know...

Each prototype should be tested, verified, and improved before it becomes a final product.

The same is true for Proto-persona. It is only a prototype of a persona based on the assumptions and ideas of the team that creates it.

Assumptions, in this case, is the keyword. The Proto-persona arising from the assumptions is then put to the test.

Its demographic profile and interests are verified in quantitative research and market segmentation reports.

Its psychographic profile, behaviors, and needs are verified in qualitative research.

Only after testing emerges a persona that properly represents the customer segment.

Proto-persona in the UX design process of a business application

A small set of research tools and free data sources exist that can verify the team's assumptions about their customers.

This is a set that can be used in any process of collecting requirements and designing a UX business application, website, or even landing page.

Proto-persona and free data sources for quick verification of assumptions

  • Google Analytics
  • Hotjar
  • Yandex Metrica
  • Google Search Console
  • HubSpot and other CRM systems
  • Facebook, Instagram, and other social networks where you are active and can access the users' analytics panel.

Proto-persona and research that allows creating a Persona

  • Marketing research about market segmentation
  • In-Depth Interviews
  • Focus groups
  • Co-creation workshops

Proto-persona and tools that give a deeper understanding of its needs and the value our product or service can provide

  • Empathy map
  • Value proposition
  • Business model canvas

UX Strategy

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