UI Design

We design graphic and voice interfaces. Explore our offer.

UI Design. Users will love your interface

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UI Design

UI Design. What We Offer

We design user interfaces - graphic and voice-based. For web and mobile applications. For Alexa and Google Assistant. For chatbots. We create the concept and style of the interface, the Design System of a digital product.

UI Design of a Web Application

We design for React.js. We will design the interface of a web application using Material Design or by creating our own framework. We have experience in Backbone, Bootstrap, Bulma, Google AMP, Lottie, WCAG, and, of course, HTML and CSS.

UI Design of a Mobile Application

We will design a mobile application interface based on the Human Interface Guidelines (iOS) or Material Design guidelines. We have experience in implementing projects based on WCAG requirements.

Design System

We create systems that improve design and design management in organizations. We work according to the Atomic Design approach. We divide the interface into organisms, atoms, and molecules. We use Design Tokens.

Voice Interface

We will design the voice interface of the application supporting the user, processes, and IoT management running on Alexa and Google Assistant environments. We will apply design patterns with machine learning in mind.

Chatbot Interface

We will design a chatbot interface based on Amazon Lex, Messenger, or Telegram. We will apply design patterns taking machine learning into account.

Branding and Visual Identity

We will give your product a personality - a brand. We will distinguish it from the competition, define its advantages, and design its visual identity and tone of voice.

Are you ready for a product that customers will love?

Whether you want to create a new product or improve an existing one, we will respond to your needs!



A user interface is a command-based interface that handles communication between a human and a machine. Currently, there are two basic types of interfaces on the market: graphical and conversational. The latter is becoming increasingly popular; it's famous for its text-based and voice-based interfaces. Nowadays, a brain-computer interface (BCI), also known as a brain-machine interface (BMI), is under development.
UI/UX design involves two key components: user interface (UI) and user experience (UX). In the case of graphical interfaces, UI includes all the elements that a user interacts with, such as colors, typography, buttons, and icons. It focuses on aesthetics and the overall appearance of a product. UX involves creating a comprehensive and pleasant experience that meets user needs.
Regardless of a client's stage of work, we will design a user interface that delights and meets functional and non-functional requirements. Clients come to us with concrete expectations and without, with specifications and without. We approach each case individually, and we advise and deliver results.
Currently, designers around the world work in Figma. It is much less common to find instances of working on AdobeXD and even less common on Sketch, and in the case of Photoshop, there is no trail left. Our favorite software is Figma, which we sincerely (not sponsored) recommend to every designer and client.
As a rule, UI design doesn’t require coding, but our experience shows that coding skills and knowledge are extremely helpful in the UI design process. In our opinion, every UI designer should be able to code interfaces at least at a basic level. Only then will proper and “implementable” interfaces emerge. It’s one of the requirements our team meets.

Now it's time to talk about your project!

Whether you want to create a new product or improve an existing one, we will respond to your needs!

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