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The DevOps (development and operations) methodology has been used and developed since 2009. Mainly by large companies and corporations, but it is also increasingly being used for software development by smaller organizations.

It was created to clarify and coordinate the work of programmers involved in software maintenance and development.

Over time, it has also expanded to encompass the security of the entire infrastructure (DevSecOps – Development, Security, and Operations). It has become one of the most popular “tools” methodologies for developing digital products.

The essence of DevOps is to build a product that is:

  • integral – thanks to the full perspective of its vision
  • safe – constantly monitored for quality and consistency, as well as error-free
  • rationalized – created based on data.

It is particularly suitable for projects where there is:

  • a high number and frequency of changes (daily, weekly, monthly)
  • a need to minimize risks
  • a need to reduce working time and time to implement changes.

DevOps methodology is based on 5 key pillars:

  • Continuous Integration
  • Continuous Delivery
  • Continuous Monitoring
  • Continuous Testing
  • Continuous Deployment.
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Microservices in DevOps methodology

The core of microservices is the division of complex work, software development, systems, and processes into smaller, simpler, and independent parts (services).

Services differ in purpose and functions, but what they have in common is their independence from other services, which allows them to be developed in smaller teams, working in an agile manner.

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Management of changes, a project in general, in the DevOps methodology, makes it possible to set deadlines for implementing changes more realistically (e.g., in the application) and respond more quickly to changing customer needs.

Continuous integration in this method involves regularly implementing changes to the main branch of the code and automatically testing the results that these changes cause. That helps to maintain its stability.

Continuous delivery is based on the automated release of new versions in a production environment.

DevOps also help to manage individual versions of the code. Version control systems make it possible to automatically and effectively track versions and the history of changes.

They offer the ability to restore code to a stable, bug-free, and conflict-free version.

The popularity of the DevOps methodology is not accidental and stems from its numerous advantages:

  • update and innovation cycles are more frequent
  • a portion of processes is automated and, at the same time, subjected to control
  • the number of errors and corrections significantly decreases
  • every change is verified in terms of the safety of its implementation
  • new functions are added to the system in a much simpler way
  • the product is supervised during the development, deployment, and operation phases
  • the project becomes much more flexible
  • the system is under constant monitoring, making it possible to estimate its performance
  • the organization's response to market changes is much faster and more effective with this methodology
  • in case of malfunction, it is easier to diagnose which implementation is responsible for it
  • implementations are introduced frequently but on a small scale
  • all processes are performed much faster
  • development and operations teams form a single integrated team.

Lifecycle of a product in DevOps methodology

Thanks to the methodology and DevOps culture, a DevOps Engineer can plan, program, implement and develop products more effectively.

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Planning involves listing and defining the functions and features of a future system. By dividing the work into smaller parts, microservices, it is possible to monitor the development more accurately.

The system is created, tested, and continuously integrated during the development phase. The implementation phase involves, among other things, defining a version management process.

Software development

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