Usability Testing

We validate business ideas, visual concepts, and interface usability.

Usability testing: What is it, and what value does it bring?

Usability testing is among some of the most powerful tools invented in modern business. Nonetheless, for fear of feedback, schedule, and cost, it is rarely used by small and medium-sized companies and, more often, by conscious large companies and startups. Usability testing is like a medicine. It effectively eliminates business and designer mistakes and reduces production costs in the case of irrelevant and unnecessary features of web and mobile applications.

Dymitr Romanowski

Head of Design and Research

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Usability Testing

What We Offer

Each usability test consists of several stages: planning, recruiting participants, conducting the actual test with or without moderation, analyzing the results, and reporting. However, usability tests differ in their purpose and research subject.

Interface Usability Testing

The test focuses on particular user stories of web, mobile, or conversational applications. Together with users, we move from point A to point B of those stories included in the test's scope. The user testing usually lasts about 60 minutes, during which 3 to 6 user stories are tested.

  • Web interface usability testing
  • Mobile interface usability testing
  • Chatbot usability testing

Look and Feel Testing

The goal of the test is to verify and evaluate the visual concept of a digital product. Although user testing belongs to the qualitative research group, it also allows us to evaluate the product concept in quantitative dimensions. Based on findings from the qualitative stage of the test, look and feel testing is then supplemented with a quantitative survey. We intentionally use individual in-depth interviews for this purpose to avoid the group's influence on the opinion of others, which is a drawback of a focus group.

Business Idea Validation

We will validate the business idea with the product's intended users using a digital product prototype. We will conduct the test on the market in Poland, Germany, and the United States.
